Music and Movement through Technology
The "Music and Movement through Technology" thematic track explores the dynamic intersection of music, movement, and technological innovation. Contributions will explore how technological advancements, such as augmented and virtual reality, wearable sensors, artificial intelligence, etc. influence and reshape how we create, perform, experience, learn, teach, and research music through movement.
Creativity in and through Music and Movement
The “Creativity in and through Music and Movement” thematic track will explore music and movement as a form of joint participation and artistic exploration that stimulates creativity and creative expression. We welcome contributions that examine how music and movement can initiate and sustain creative processes that foster imagination and innovation.
Music and Movement for Well-Being
The "Music and Movement for Well-Being" thematic track explores the influence of music and movement on well-being in all its dimensions (e.g., physical, mental, emotional, social, spiritual). We invite contributions from a wide range of disciplines and fields, including music education, music therapy, rehabilitation, community music, and more. Submissions can range from innovative interventions to cultural perspectives. We seek innovative and diverse approaches to integrating music, movement, and well-being, offering practical insights into the transformative power of artistic expression through music and movement for learning, healing, and personal growth.
Music and Movement Across the Lifespan
The "Music and Movement Across the Lifespan" thematic track delves into the evolving relationship between music, movement, and human development. We welcome contributions that explore age-specific approaches, providing practice and/or research-based insights on integrating music and movement into the various stages of life, from infants to the elderly. In addition, we welcome contributions that address human development from a holistic perspective, looking into the benefits of music and movement in shaping lifelong learning and flourishing.
Movement in Instrumental Music Learning
The "Movement in Instrumental Music Learning" thematic track explores the integral role of movement in instrumental studies. We welcome, for example, contributions that explore how kinesthetic awareness and movement-based activities can become part of musical training to enhance interpretation, expression, instrumental technique, and injury prevention. Contributions will offer insights and experiences on how different approaches, such as Dalcroze, Laban, Alexander Technique, Feldenkrais, Gerda Alexander Eutony, and others, may be applied in a diversity of contexts, such as the instrumental music classroom, home practice, joint music making, etc. to foster a more embodied approach to instrumental music education.

Diversity in Music and Movement
In the “Diversity in Music and Movement” thematic track, possibilities and meaningfulness of participation and the multifacetedness of human expression through music and movement are examined critically. Providing attendees with insights and practical tools to embrace diversity in their journey through music and movement, the contributions will address issues such as diversity, accessibility and inclusion, equity and democracy, and interdisciplinary and intercultural understanding related to practices of music and movement.

Within the overarching theme of "Building Bridges through Music and Movement: Inspire, Imagine, Transcend", the "Bridges" thematic track welcomes contributions from participants who want to hone in, raise issues, and showcase possibilities for building bridges. These could be connections between disciplines (e.g., dance and movement-based approaches, physical and music education), approaches (e.g., Laban and Dalcroze), age-specific cultural practices (e.g., for children and the elderly), communities (e.g., arts and science), or artforms (e.g., music and the visual arts). Presentations will explore synergies, transcend barriers, inspire dialogues, and imagine new pathways to foster connections through music and movement.

Out of the Box
The "Out of the Box" track opens the doors to the unexpected! It provides an opportunity for performers, scholars, and practitioners to enrich the conference with contributions around the conference theme but beyond the scope of the given thematic tracks.