ICDS is a leading forum for knowledge exchange in the understanding of music and movement in general, and Dalcroze Eurhythmics in particular. It is a transdisciplinary community of practitioners and researchers, crossing borders between education, the arts and humanities, and the social, health, life and natural sciences.

Founded in 2013, the conference is a growing project, providing a platform for the sharing of embodied knowledge, practical wisdom and knowhow, and research methodologies, methods and findings. ICDS stimulates innovations in practice and academic collaboration, and welcomes equally proposals from established scholars, students, teachers, artists, therapists and other practitioners.

What is Dalcroze Studies?
Dalcroze Studies describes an international cluster of scholarly, practice-based activity, investigating the history, practice and theory of Dalcroze Eurhythmics and related fields. Although emerging from studies in music education, music therapy, dance history and neuroscience, it is now a even broader, transdisciplinary field characterised by open, dynamic, critical and reflective dialogue developing our knowledge of the relationships between music/sound and movement.

What is Dalcroze Eurhythmics?
Dalcroze Eurhythmics is an evolving approach to education, therapy and performance. Based on a set of principles connecting music and movement, it is a means to learning and creative expression, transformation and wellbeing. Originating with the experimental pedagogy of Emile Jaques-Dalcroze (1865-1950), Dalcroze Eurhythmics is now taught and practiced the world over in a variety of educational, performance and therapeutic contexts.
Related to it are diverse traditions of rhythmic education (including Rhythmik), somatic practice, dance and theatre, and musical improvisation, performance and composition, all of which are represented at the International Conference of Dalcroze Studies.