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Welcome to the 7th International Conference of
Dalcroze Studies
“Building bridges through music and movement: Inspire, Imagine, Transcend”


Monday 28 - Thursday 31 July 2025
University of Luxembourg


The ICDS7 programme will be announced later. Please visit our archives to check the content of previous conferences.

Thank you all for your proposal submissions!

Results will be coming your way really soon... due the high number of submissions, it takes a bit more time than foreseen.. thank you for your understanding!



John Habron on ICDS history

ICDS7 aims to present the best ongoing research and practices within Dalcroze Studies and related fields. ICDS is a global, transdisciplinary forum, open to viewpoints from education, the arts and humanities, and the social, health, and life sciences. We welcome practitioners and scholars alike.


This year's theme is “Building bridges through music and movement: Inspire, Imagine, Transcend". Now more than ever, in times of increasing uncertainty, whether societal, ecological, academic, or educational, building bridges is a necessary pathway towards a world that values and fosters diversity, inclusion, and equity; a world that imagines possibilities, and that grows through mutual respect and cross-fertilization.


Music and movement have always been powerful ways to connect people, value differences, appreciate and inspire each other, imagine new ways of interacting, and transcend boundaries. Therefore, at ICDS7, we will explore various perspectives on music and movement and how they may inspire and support building bridges between each other, our practices, and our (musical) communities.

We welcome participants from a wide range of disciplines to share their insights, gained through research, practice, and performance, about the multiple ways music and movement are connected and foster connections between people, communities and cultures, disciplines and approaches, past and present, present and imagined futures, traditions and innovations.

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See what happened at previous ICDS conferences

“The conference - organized with skill and care - was superb, intellectually, musically, and in other ways, truly a delight. I very much appreciate being part of it.”

Professor Liora Bresler, Professor at the University of Illinois, Champaign, USA

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