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A Third Conference - A New Venture

Writer's picture: John HabronJohn Habron

Welcome to the ICDS blog!

Having never written, and hardly ever read, a blog, I ask myself “why am I doing this?”

First, it is an experiment in communication, to find out what potential it has to support the conference and Dalcroze Studies more broadly. And in the spirit of exploration, which is the start of all innovation or research, we will see whether it provides a useful tool or not.

Second, a blog is – apparently – a way to ‘build community’, and that is what the ICDS already aims to do. Through open and searching dialogue, we come to new understandings and, as a result, new relationships and networks form. In this flow of communication, the humble blog has its place along with the peer-reviewed journal article.

Third, a blog is (ideally!) a small space for reflection and, as the pedagogues, artists and scholars who attend and nurture ICDS know full well, reflective practice is at the root of what we do. Reflecting in action, adapting instantly as we do our work, and reflecting on action, as we take time to recall feelings and sensations, are essential for remaining present, relevant and tactful in our practice (Schön 1983, 1987).

So, welcome to this experimental, dialogical, reflective space!

This will not only be a Chair’s space, but somewhere for members of the committees, keynotes and other people connected to Dalcroze Studies to share their thoughts about the conference, questions on matters of research and practice, and their own stories.

Please leave your comments below and use this blog to keep in touch with the conference.

For me, as Chair of the Scientific Committee, the 3rd International Conference of Dalcroze Studies is a proud moment and a new venture. It is the first ICDS outside Europe and this is our first, bespoke website. For these signs of growth and positive change – just two amongst many – thank you to all involved, especially the two committees, our colleagues at Université Laval and our web designer Christian Michaels.

So, as we set our sights on Canada, I hope to meet you in this space at some point and to see you in Quebec City in 2017!


Schön, D.A. (1983) The reflective practitioner. New York: Basic Books. Schön, D.A. (1987) ‘Teaching artistry through reflection-in-action’, in Educating the reflective practitioner (pp. 22-40). San Fransisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Publishers.

Dialogues at ICDS2 in Vienna, Austria (2015)


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